A travel Agency boosted its revenue with an enhanced customer experience!

How could automation elevate your efficiency and enhance customer experience? Let's see how it worked out for Yachad Tours, a travel agency that partnered with us and achieved record-breaking revenue growth.

A travel Agency boosted its revenue with an enhanced customer experience!

Business Challenges

Seeking a competitive edge, Yachad Tours recognized the need for streamlined operations to cater to their growing customer base effectively



The time-consuming and costly tour scheduling process for each customer.

Communication Inefficiency.

Communication Inefficiency.

Inefficient communication with customers, leading to delays in response times.

Payment Reconciliation Issues

Payment Reconciliation Issues

Manual payment verification results in frequent errors and a loss of customer trust

Complicated non-integration

Complicated non-integration

The complex tour registration process for customers due to lack of integration.

Tour Scheduling Automation

Developed a sophisticated system to efficiently manage tour availability, capacities, and resources, reducing manual errors and saving time for Yachad Tours' staff

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Automated Payment System

Implemented an automated payment verification process to ensure accurate and seamless transactions, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction

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Simplified Tour Registration

We revamped the tour registration process on the website by using multi-page forms, making it easier for users to complete their journey and reducing drop-off rates for a smoother customer experience

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Automated Personalized Customer Communications

Integrated automated communication tools for sending personalized booking confirmations, reminders, and post-tour feedback requests, resulting in improved customer engagement and retention

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We optimized Yachad Tours' operations with a comprehensive automation strategy. Our custom software solutions were tailored to the unique requirements of the travel industry

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Business outcomes and advantages

Automation significantly reduced manual efforts, allowing the team to concentrate on strategic growth and customer engagement and due to streamlined operations, Yachad Tours witnessed a significant increase in the number of tours scheduled and managed effectively. The implementation of real-time itinerary updates, automated communications, and a user-friendly tour registration process resulted in a significant increase in customer satisfaction and positive reviews.

60%reduced manual efforts
30%Increased tour efficiency
60%increase in customer satisfaction


Gita Sturn

"We were in a bind and needed a software development team that could work quickly and deliver results. EWS Automation came through in a big way, not only meeting but exceeding our expectations. their technical skills are top-notch and their customer service is unparalleled."

Gita Sturn

-COO Yachad Tours

Collaborative, payment-free ideation

Yachad, a top industry name, offers seamless customer experiences. Contact us to explore how our tailored software solutions can optimize your company's processes and drive exponential growth. Let’s cut your costs, increase efficiency and make you a leader in the market with the best customer experience. 

Let’s discuss your planinfo@ewsautomation.com
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