Turning a SaaS Idea into a Ready Product: Shmooz's AI Integration with WhatsApp

Ideas can be wild, and so are the founders behind them! They come up with unique solutions for customer pain points. But turning those ideas into reality? That's the real challenge! Luckily, Shmooz AI had a brilliant idea for an AI chatbot on WhatsApp, and they trusted EWS Automation to make it happen. Let's uncover the story of how their idea reached a whole new level with our execution!

Turning a SaaS Idea into a Ready Product: Shmooz's AI Integration with WhatsApp

Business Challenges

Transforming ideas into reality is no easy feat, but with our vast experience in digital product development at EWS, we accomplished the impossible! What did we solve? Let's find out!

Bringing the Idea to Life

Bringing the Idea to Life

Transforming an innovative SaaS idea into a fully functional product required meticulous planning and execution

Seamless User Experience

Seamless User Experience

The challenge was to create an AI chatbot that seamlessly interacts with users through WhatsApp, understanding natural language for effortless communication

Real-time Responsiveness

Real-time Responsiveness

The integration needed to ensure the AI chatbot could provide instant responses, simulating human-like interactions while ensuring high security measures.

24/7 virtual assistance

Team transformed Shmooz AI's SaaS concept into user-centric WhatsApp chatbot with extensive research.

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Create Images

Our development team successfully realized Shmooz AI's SaaS concept into a tangible product, capable of generating images at your desired speed.

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Interact with files

Our development team successfully translated Shmooz AI's SaaS idea into a functional product, allowing you to upload files for summarization or ask questions about them.

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WhatsApp Integration Security

Carefully Integrated AI Chatbot Ensures Smooth, Secure WhatsApp Experience with Robust Encryption.

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We listened to the founder, understood their users, and surpassed everyone's expectations by crafting an extraordinary solution that brought their idea to life in a remarkable way!

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Business outcomes and advantages

That wild idea we discussed initially turned into a thriving business for our client. The platform's popularity skyrocketed, benefiting both our client and us in a very short time!

800kIncreased User Base
80%engagement rate
75%retention rate


Yitzi Herman

"Working with EWS Automation was a game-changer! They believed in my idea and turned it into a reality beyond my imagination. Their customer-centric approach and expertise made all the difference. I highly recommend their services to anyone with ambitious ideas."

Yitzi Herman

-Founder of Shmooz AI

Collaborative, payment-free ideation

Are you an ideate? A game-changer? Looking for a team that can turn your ideas into scalable solutions? Let's talk! No payment for chatting, just sit down with us. We'll listen, understand your idea, and help you build something ready to serve!

Let's discuss your planinfo@ewsautomation.com
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